Saturday, January 31, 2009

It finally happened.

I'm sitting on the floor of my empty master bedroom. The house looks really weird, everything is gone. Well, almost everything. What's left are two medium suitcases, full of everyday items, a blanket, bed sheet, small space heater, alarm clock and a large dog bed. Today is my last day at the house because our new tenants move in tomorrow.

I've been sleeping on the floor for the past two days since all the furniture is gone. On Wednesday and Thursday the movers came and hauled everything to storage in California. That basically left me with the clothes on my back and anything I managed to grab before it was put in a box. They even packed my office shoes so now I have to go buy a new pair! It was crazy having to deal with so many strangers in the house (about 6 men) and two dogs who were wondering what was going on. The past two nights for entertainment since the internet is not shut off yet I watched movies on Netflix. Needless to say I haven’t been able to sleep for the past two days because it’s colder when you sleep on the floor (cold air travels down) and because my little dog who rather sleep on my pillow instead of the dog bed he shares with the other medium sized dog. At night when we were ready to go to bed he crawled on my pillow and made himself comfortable which meant laying on my head and when I push him away he growled and got ticked. I haven’t been able to sleep.

Right now, the cleaning lady is here vacuuming upstairs. I hope she doesn't overheat the vacuum, like she did last time, because it's freaking expensive and I don't feel like paying her and then having to pay for a new vacuum. The carpet cleaner guy should be on his way. I want to keep an eye on her because she has a tendency of being sloppy but how do I hover without making it look obvious? I haven’t been able to figure that out.

I've been informed by my LIBF (live in boyfriend) who is already in California that I am supposed to take photographs of the entire house so that we can have it as documentation, in case the new tenants who has four kids ranging from a 16 year to a 3 year old damage anything. Ugh, it feels like I have been doing all the dirty work since he left back in November '08 and he has just been barking orders since then. At least he's paying the bills. So tonight the dogs and I will move back to my old apartment and stay there until it’s time for us to move to California. It’s a real pain and a big down grade from my LIBF’s house which is located in an up and coming upper class neighborhood. The dogs are going to hate moving to the apartment. They are used to running and playing in a big house and now they will be living in a sardine box.

As I look around the house it looks like an empty skeleton, a shell of some sort. Around every corner there’s a memory (good and bad). It makes me sad to think another family will be living here, living the life we wanted, planned to have. My LIBF says I’m being dramatic and that we eventually will move back to DFW but it won’t be the same and who knows what the future holds. I could have gone and stayed in my apartment the past couple of nights but I just didn’t want to go. I didn’t want to drive all the way down there and have to come back early morning to open the door for the cleaning lady and carpet cleaning guy. Also the dogs had their vet appoints this morning and it’s almost down the street from the house. I guess I just didn’t want to let the house go. I wanted to enjoy it until the very end. Tonight we will drive across DFW to my apartment so that the new tenants can start their new lives in our home.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Coming to a supermarket near you!

You might be a liberal Jew if.........

1. If you spend more time worrying about whales and dolphins than about Jews, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
2. If you think that the essence of Jewish ethics is supporting the political agenda of the left wing of the Democratic Party, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
3. If you think Michael Lerner and Arthur Woodstock of Tikkun magazine are really sensitive or deep thinkers, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
4. If you think the highest priority for your ‘Temple’ is to have a good recycling program, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
5. If you think Clinton was the most pro-Israel president ever, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
6. If you think that American pressure on Israel to make peace is necessary and valuable, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
7. If you think Jews should support affirmative action programs, even though they discriminate against Jews, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
8. If you disapprove of the Rev. Al Sharpton but think he has a good point about Jews being racists, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
9. If you oppose voucher programs for schools and school choice, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
10. If you think Anthony Lewis and Leonard Fein make a lot of good points, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
11. If you approve of the Religious Action Center of the Reform synagogue movement, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
12. If you do not understand why America still needs a strong military, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
13. If you still believe the US should have just let sanctions work in Iraq, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
14. If you still think Nelson Mandela is a hero, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
15. If there’s even the slightest possibility you might vote for Jesse Jackson for any public office, you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
16. If you like to complain about how tough people have it in America, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
17. If you send your kids to a Quaker day school, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
18. If you think all that talk about political correctness suppressing free expression is a myth, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
19. If you seriously doubt that the media are dominated by liberals, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
20. If you donate to the New Israel Fund, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
21. If you think the courts and police are riddled with institutional racism, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
22. If you think Jews should practice zero-population growth because the world is so crowded, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
23. If you think the Israeli settlements are the main obstacle to peace, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
24. If you think that Oslo was basically a sound idea that was applied incorrectly, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.
25. If you think Shimon Peres is basically a decent guy with the right agenda, then you just might be an assimilated Jewish liberal.

Oracion Del Viernes Social! Amen!

San Viernes divino San Viernes amadoc uida mi intestino el grueso y delgado.
Protege mi pancreas beba lo que beba que no sea esta noche mi Ultima peda.
Mi hi­gado encomiendoa tu Santa mano,y lo que estoy bebiendolo orine sin daño.
Permite que nose nuble mi vista y que al caminarno me caiga en la pista.
Que al pagar la cuenta cuides mucho mi dinero por que tengo unos amigos que no dan ni pa'l mesero.
Y al salir del bar
No me desampares por que si manejome parto la madre.
Permi­teme verla luz al otro di­a, pero que no sea tirado en la esquina.
Li­brame del vomito diarrea y jaqueca, qui­tame la agruray la boca reseca.
Dame el poder de hablarle a una chica solo te pido que no sea fea
Permíteme concentrar mi ruta y camino porque luego no recuerdo ni donde me orino.
San viernes bendito te invoco a mi lado para poder llegara la peda del sabado.
Que así sea!

Spending and Gitmo

Spending, here we go again! Don't we ever learn?

Why are we letting the Gitmo prisoners go? And on top of that letting them resettle inside the USA. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of having sent them to Gitmo in the first place?

Do you hear that sound? It's the value of the property taxes dropping as these people land. The sad part is that thanks to this global recession property taxes had already dropped. Kansas they might be coming your way.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Tim Geithner: He can't pay his own taxes and he wants to manage yours!

Why would you want someone who doesn't pay taxes to run the IRS???
You don't want someone who RAN from the IRS RUNNING the IRS!!!
We have such a double standard in this country.
Do you want Gitmo detainee's in your neighborhood?
What's he thinking?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

CNN Report Actually Compares Upcoming Inauguration to Muslim Pilgrimage to Mecca - Video 1/16/09

WTF???? Where the hell do they get off comparing our Presidential inauguration with the freaking hajj? Why would they do that? this comparison and why the hell would they compare it to our inauguration?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inaugural Do Over

Since the presidential oath was so badly blundered by both the Chief Justice and President Obama (Anderson Cooper blamed it entirely on the Chief Justice), in order to make everything legal they decided to redo it. However, he did not swear on a bible. Why not? And almost none of the press was invited. The only reason the story broke was because a White House Reporter overheard Axelrod's conversation. Why didn't he tell the press? No hagas cosas buenas que parecen cosas malas.

Obama is everywhere.

Michelle Obama's Inaugural Dresses

Michelle Obama's outfit for the inaugural ceremony was timeless. It was done by Isabel Toledo a Chicago based designer who also created the much talked about purple dress. Her outfit was a lemongrass wool lace sheath and coat for a day with matching J. Crew gloves. The inaugural ball dress was another story. It was made by Jason Wu and well it was just plain ugly. What was she thinking? With her figure and height she could have pulled off alomost anything. I guess she was trying to resemble Jackie Kennedy who also wore white at her husband's inauguration. Michelle Obama could have definitely found a better dress. I was very disappointed in her choice. I found her dress to be ugly and unbecoming and her husband kept stepping on it. Jill Biden looked stunning in both outfits. The cut, style and beautiful color of the Reem Acra dress made her look fabulous.disappointed in her choice of dress.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Presidential Inauguration 2009

This was too funny!

The inauguration went down seemlessly. Everything went perfect except when Obama was being sworn in. The peaceful transfer from one President to the next was a great example of American democracy.

I think that it was in bad taste to spend around $150 million dollars during the presidential inauguration. Especially when the country is in such a bad economic situation and many, many people are losing their jobs and homes. I think that they could have toned it done. Who's paying fo all this anyway?

Her name is Ingrid Mattson she is a Muslim convert from Canada who now is the President of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). She was invited to an "Interfaith Gathering" of Leftist religious luminaries the day before the convention opened. The organization that she represents is a well known front for the Muslim Brotherhood, a Islamist revolutionary movement dedicated, in their words, to "a grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands." Her group is also believed to have ties with Hamas. Why did he invite her?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

What will Michelle Obama wear?

What will Michelle Obama be wearing during the inauguration?

So far she has presented an immaculate image and the best part is that she wears clothes from stores like J. Crew, White House and Black Market and The Gap! I'm really curious to see what she will be wearing. She is very tall and slender so almost anything will look good on her.

Miracle On The Hudson

What a miracle!

Friday, January 9, 2009

50 Cosas Que No Sabías de Barack Obama

1. Colecciona cómics de Spider Man y Conan.
2. Fue conocido en la escuela como O'Bomber, por su talento en el basketaball.
3. Su nombre significa el que es bendito en Swahili.
4. Su platillo favorito es la langosta a la linguini cocinada por suesposa Michelle.
5. Ganó un Grammy en 2006 por la versión audible de sus memorias, Dreams From My Father.
6. Es zurdo; es el sexto Presidente de EUA post-guerra en ser zurdo.
7. Ha leído todos los libros de Harry Potter.
8. Tiene en su poder un par de guantes rojos autografiados por Muhammad Ali.
9. Trabajó en una nevería cuando era joven. Ahora no la soporta.
10. Su snack favorita son barras proteínicas de chocolate y cacahuate.
11. Comió carne de perro, de serpiente y chapulines rostizados cuando vivió en Indonesia.
12. Habla español.
13. Cuando estuvo en campaña, prefirió ver canales deportivos que CNN.
14. Su bebida favorita es té helado de baya negra.
15. Le prometió a su esposa Michelle dejar de fumar cuando se lanzara para presidente. No lo cumplió.
16. Tuvo un mono de mascota, llamado Tata cuando estuvo en Indonesia.
17. Puede levantar pesas de hasta 90 kilos.
18. Su libro favorito es Moby-Dick.
19. Visitó Wokingham en 1996 para asistir a la despedida de soltero del novio de su media-hermana, pero se retiró cuando llegó una stripper.
20. Su escritorio en el Senado perteneció alguna vez a Robert Kennedy.
21. Él y Michelle hicieron $4.2 millones de dólares el año pasado, de los cuales la gran mayoría fue por venta de sus libros.
22. Sus películas favoritas son Casablanca y One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
23. Carga una estatua de la Virgen y su hijo y un brazalete que perteneció a un soldado en Iraq, para la buena suerte.
24. Aplicó para aparecer en un calendario cuando estuvo en Harvard. Fue rechazado por un comité formado solamente por mujeres.
25. Su música favorita incluye a Miles Davis, Bob Dylan, Bach y The Fugees.
26. Llevó a Michelle a ver Do The RIght Thing de Spike Lee en su primera cita.
27. Le gusta jugar Scrabble y Poker.
28. No bebe café y sólo ocasionalmente consume alcohol.
29. Le hubiera gustado ser arquitecto si no hubiese sido político.
30. Cuando fue joven, consumió drogas, incluyendo marihuana y cocaína.
31. Sus hijas quieren ir a Yale antes de convertirse en actriz (Malia, de 10 años) y cantar y bailar (Sasha, de 7 años).
32. No le gusta la moda de usar pantalones muy holgados.
33. Terminó de pagar su deuda de estudiante sólo cuatro años después de firmar el contrato de su libro.
34. Su casa en Chicago tiene cuatro chimeneas.
35. La madrina de su hija Malia es la hija de Jesse Jackson, Santita.
36. Dice que su peor hábito es checar constantemetne su Black Berry.
37. Usa una lap top Apple Mac.
38. Conduce un Ford Escape Hybrid, dejando a lado su Chrysler 300 que engullía gasolina.
39. Usa trajes Hart Schaffner Marx de $1,500 dólares.
40. Tiene cuatro pares idénticos de zapatos negros, tamaño 11.
41. Se corta el pelo una vez a la semana con su barbero en Chicago, Zariff. Le cobra $21 dólares.
42. Sus programas favoritos de ciencia ficción en la TV son Mash y The Wire.
43. Tuvo el nombre clave de "Renegado" por los guardaespaldas del Servicio Secreto.
44. Su abuela le decía "Bar".
45. Planea instalar una cancha de Basketball en la Casa Blanca.
46. Su artista favorito es Pablo Picasso.
47. Su mejor platillo como cocinero es chile.
48. Ha dicho que muchos de sus amigos en Indonesia fueron niños de la calle.
49. Tiene en su escritorio una pieza de madera de una mano sosteniendo un huevo. Es un símbolo kenyano de la fragilidad de la vida.
50. Su padre fue un economista que trabajó para el Gobierno de Kenya.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Everyone knows that one of the most stressful jobs is being the President of the United States. One artist thinks that he can predict how Obama will look in 2013.

Historical meeting between four past presidents and one president to be.
Check out the great suits and ties.

Nice rug.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Israel - Gaza

Following the 9/11 attacks, I was sickened to see TV news footage of Palestinians celebrating in the streets the deaths of almost 3000 innocent people. Therefore, I find it impossible to share the sense of outrage that many people are displaying at Israel's actions.

Let’s get real here. How long could you last if your neighbor was throwing hand grenades and firing rocks at you incessantly? No other country in the world would have allowed its citizens to have been fired on indiscriminately for the past eight years. Israel does not deliberately target civilians unlike Hamas, a terrorist group. The sooner Hamas stops launching rockets into Israel the sooner things will improve.

Israel is a tiny country surrounded by enemies that is fighting for its very existence. This war is being fought in order to eradicate terrorists who are trying to destroy her. Israel has been attacked in two other unprovoked wars – The Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War.

If Israel can remove Hamas it will create the first opportunity for peace since the British lead “Partition” in 1947. Let’s not forget that in 1948 the Arabs refused the two state solution and attacked Israel. If they had accepted the two state solution the “Palestine” they would have gotten would have been much bigger then the one they received in 1967, which in turn is much bigger than what they may have to settle for now or in another 10 years.

The so called “Palestinians” should recognize the war with Israel is over and that they have lost. They should surrender and negotiate a secure future for their children. They should realize that even though other Arabs claim to stand by them the other Arabs have moved on. Three generations have been wasted in fighting for “Palestine”.