Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What is Hime Gyaru?

With the crappy economy and the economic outlook not improving lately I've started reading about more superficial things. I was browsing the web and saw a girl that looked like a real life doll. It turns out that her "look" is called Hime Gyaru and apparently it's really popular in Japan. It's really pretty and feminine.

Girls that want to look Hime Gyaru have fair complexions, use mostly pinks and whites along with flower designs and anything lacy or frilly. Their hair is long, sometimes bleached in shades of blonde to dark blonde and often rolled into romantic updos placed on top of their heads. They put glitter, pastel designs and imitation crystals on their nails. Their look is topped off with lots of bows, ribbons, fur and lace. Their mobile phones are also fashion accesories and have numerous amounts of jewels, cute stickers, and lace placed on them. Shoes are usually high heels with lots of bows and flowers. Some wear knee high stockings or flat ballerina colored shoes. Lacy gloves or lace wrists are sometimes used along with over sized ribbons.

They look like life size dolls. I love their eyes.
I want to be a princess too :0(.


Anonymous said...

Actually Hime Gyarus are a minority in japan just like lolita and visual kei. They seem popular and mainstream only because it is unique and interesting to take pictures off. It is popular but in a minority sense. In the entire country of Japan it's not as popular as it appears to be.

Princess Gyaru or Hime Gyaru, is a rather expensive style. Even more expensive than Lolita style. The more mainstream brand Jesus Diamante contains dresses that cost about 400 dollars, and a simple hair bow costs over 50 dollars. It's very expensive.

Still there are some Gyarus who do take their time and are able to find or make cheaper dresses to dress in hime style to meetups.
It's quite fun actually <3

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